Sunday, September 28, 2008

From Conception to Completion

In yoga, our instructors tell us that the most important posture is Savasana. It is the posture that our entire practice has been preparing us for. It is when we can quiet the mind and experience stillness and if possible enter into a meditative state. Here's the problem for is in that posture at the end of class when it seems as though the 'Gods of Creativity' decide to grace me with their presence. My mind is almost never calm, instead it is usually abuzz with thoughts and ideas. In particular, jewelry designs. It has almost completely replaced the shower for me....that's where I used to do my best design work. So the dilemma is this... do I try to quiet my mind and push all those thoughts of the perfect necklace out of my mind knowing that a nice shower awaits me when I get home OR do I let the ideas come? Below I have posted BEFORE & AFTER photos of a necklace that I designed in Savasana. It was the first in what I have lovingly named my "Savasana Collection" for obvious reasons. I love seeing the parts come together into something that I am proud of.



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