Thursday, January 15, 2009

My girls...

If you have to be inside three buildings---20 stories each----for 8 straight days, these are the girls you want with you. This is from left to right Barbara, Me, April. Kathy is pictured below...

We spent the last week buying for Simply Selma's in Atlanta. Our first order of business was to decide the themes for all the Christmas trees for this year (15 at last count) and buy ornaments and sundries for all of them in addition to an overwhelming amount of everyday product for the store. We stayed in a pretty small hotel room (for 3 people...Kathy had her own room) and got along insanely well.

We laughed until we cried....mostly at April....though we all had our moments and we planned and organized and bought accordingly for what I am sure could be our most eyebrow-raising year yet.

We met great artists like these guys and these.
We dealt with phenomenal staff at large showrooms that I have a feeling will be a part of Selma's family for quite some time. (sorry that there is no picture of Billy but he gave us too much wine for us to remember to take a photo)

(our buddies at K&K Brandon & Jerrod with our fearless leader Kathy (aka Big Baller) in the foreground)

As tiring as it is to be in what I refer to as the "Rat Maze" for 8 exactly the right reindeer for the window display, April, Barb & Kathy trying to keep me from buying too many things with horns, or the right martini glasses, or just the right baby onesies the end, we laughed hard,

played hard,

(December Diamonds Peace Party...don't ask)

connected with each other and loads of great people ( rock hard honey), and in my opinion boosted the National Economy considerably. One of our favorite artists said to us..."You guys just walked right up and brought this amazing trail of 'happy' with you."

That is 8 days well spent.
There we are letting our light shine in a crazy mixed up world....